Digital Salon Podcast:

Call for Podcasts, Season 2: The Collective

“...Study is what you do with other people.”

Fred Moten & Stefano Harney, The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study (2013)

As urban humanists attuned to the ways urban space reinvents the enclosure, Season 2 invites podcasts exploring the collective situated in the city. If our first season investigated the ways the pandemic is a portal, our second season invites sonic projects that investigate how the urban environment can be used to organize and arrange an array of polyvocal collectives. We ask urban humanists, what is a collective and what are the ways to transmit knowledge through collectivity? What lessons can we learn from the resurgence of indigenous cultural practices, abolitionist organizing, immigrant and diasporic assertions of agency, and practices of social change-making?

Consider the following:

  • Collective healing

  • Collective reckoning

  • Collective consciousness

  • Collective organizing

  • Collective understanding 

  • Collective imagination 

  • Collective unlearning

We will work with contributors to create  20-30 minute episodes that narrativize collectivity at various scales within an urban humanist framework: the intimate, the familial, the communal, the urban, the global, the metaphysical. 

In a 200 word proposal, please describe the collectivity you are interested in studying, and the narrative you hope to tell about it. Please send to by February 1st. Selected proposals will receive a stipend to develop their podcast episodes.

We are excited to collaborate with you in developing proposals into sonic narratives. Drawing from our experience producing episodes from the previous installment of Digital Salon, we will work together in a series of three one-hour workshops to build distinct types of sonic contentobservations, interviews, summaries, syntheses, reflectionsthat will serve as an archive you will ultimately sample from to create your final episode.

Listen to work from Digital Salon Season 1, Portal, on our website: